Thursday, April 8, 2010

"This Is Worst Fears Scenario For The Clippers."

"What, playing basketball? Oh, right. Playing basketball."


  1. Fuck. You. Donald. Sterling.

  2. Yeah, like it's fucking SHOCKING that galley swapping with the Trailblazers and finally keelhauling Dunleavy wasn't enough to right the good ship Clip. Because two winning seasons in twenty-six is just a ballast problem. Clearly.

    Donald Sterling is the. fucking. worst.

    During the game I watched the other night, I think maybe 5 min were spent actually commenting on the play. They started debating father/son duos that were both active in the NBA/NCAA and spent 15min talking through their live and late-breaking research on the subject, from Smith to Walton to somehow Cash Warren and Jessica Alba. When one broke form and tried to mention the game, CC went like this:
    "...Did you notice if it said 4 secs left [in the first half]?"
    "I wasn't trying to insult you"

    So yeah, that's about right. I never even found myself blaming them, just all Oh yeah, Jessica Alba, of course, it all makes sense now. The other important commentary was that, when playing against the Clippers, the Sacramento Kings "sure didn't look like a 24-54 team!"

  3. Being a Clippers fan is not an FWP, oh no; it is the grim futility known to all mankind, the stark inevitability of life. Maybe. But mostly it is the worst. It is living the goddammit.

  4. Oh I know, maybe 9 free agents will help. They'll probably be very interested in helping the "team" god FUCK
