Monday, March 8, 2010

"Edwards Takes Keselowski From The Rear"

Methinks, Mr. SportsCenter anchor, that NASCAR-driver Carl Edwards, with his well-documented anger management issues, might not take to kindly to you implying he stuck his, umm, driveshaft (?) into Keselewski's, umm, back fender (?).

But imagine how Keselowski feels--Polish and a catcher? Ouch.


  1. Yeah, I've been trying to wait you out. March Madness, World Cup. Time to get back into fighting form, fatty.

  2. I just haven't been watching much TV (we don't have one in our place, so I only watch on the treadmill/bike at the gym--and then, when I hear something, I have to remember it until I'm done with my workout, which is really hard [man, FWPs]).

    Don't worry your pretty little head, though, 'cuz we got, so I'll be watching metric fucktons of online baseball this year.
