AND NOW: Thursday Theismannlights!
"What the Falcons are trying to do is get this Raider defense a little tired." Good start, good start. Keep 'em on their toes.
"They're [Falcons O line] not going to win any beauty contests.... Except for my guys. They were all beautiful." Maybe there is meaning to be found in a Pauly Shore movie, he thinks to himself.
Wow, nobody's really letting him talk much, are they? We're well into the second quarter and his comments have amounted to, "The player that just got a first down is a heck of an athlete, on account of getting that first down." Otherwise it's just stats he's been fed.
"I love his [Matt Ryan's] stroke." Play it cool, Theismann, play it cool.
"There've been a lot of places where he's [Flacco's] had to squeeze it in, in rhythm." Success. (Not an Australian joke; it's funny because Flacco has no rhythm. What Flacco does have is a poster of Tom Brady in his room... back at his parents' house, where he lives.)
"Let's see if Joe Flacco can stabilize this." Joe Flacco is the quarterback equivalent of the folded envelope you put under a wobbly table leg? Yes.
"We talked about running left. What happens? Go left. Alright." Left Good. Fire Bad.
"This is where the nightmare has begun for the Baltimore Ravens." But not because this is my first Thursday Night Football or anything, no. Correlation does not prove causation, after all.
"We know who the Ravens are." I mean the Raiders. What, what?
"You have to stay true to your personality." Take a look, it's in a book.
"He got it to his body and let it go right through. I bet that's the last time you see him (... use that body)." Tony Gonzalez is either A. dead or B. a shapeshifter
"They knew it would be a real slobberknocker." ... . And I'm done.